Text filter

This filter allows you to filter information based on a free form text.

The filter has the following options:

  • contains - this option allows only information that contains the text entered (if no text is entered, then the filter is disabled)
  • doesn't contain - this option allows only information that does not contain the text entered (if no text is entered, then the filter is disabled)
  • is equal to - this option allows only information that is equal to the text entered (if no text is entered, then the filter is disabled)
  • starts with - this option allows only information that starts with the text entered (if no text is entered, then the filter is disabled)
  • ends with - this option allows only information that ends with the text entered (if no text is entered, then the filter is disabled)
  • is empty - this option allows only information that is equal to an empty string (the text entered is ignored)